Wait, What's an ePortfolio? Uncovering Career Development in the Digital Age
October 31, 2024
Ready to roar: digital literacy
The digital age is rapidly evolving and has become a crucial aspect of career development. Applying for a job now requires technology to network, enhance resumes, and showcase personal brands. LSU students are strongly encouraged to embrace this digital era, leveraging it to their advantage.
LSU’s culture of innovation supports student success by emphasizing the importance
of digital literacy.
To help students communicate key skills to employers, the College of Humanities and Social Sciences has integrated an ePortfolio component into the HSS 1001: Introduction to Career Pathways course. This project involves uploading a resume, a personal statement, a headshot, and a paragraph about a major assignment.
Students build out a webpage from those materials on platforms like, Wix, a free user-friendly website building platform. This website becomes a students ePortfolio, where they can showcase their skills, accomplishments, and personal brand.
“ePortfolios are both a product—an archive of learning artifacts—and a process that supports student learning: Building an ePortfolio leads students to naturally make valuable connections between various courses, assignments, and cocurricular activities through reflection of their past work." (AACU)
While the HSS 1001 course introduces the ePortfolio concept, students are encouraged to further develop their digital literacy skills by connecting with LSU’s Distinguished Communicator Program.
LSU Students also have access to state of the art digital tools like Microsoft Office and Adobe Creative Cloud to be used in the classroom and to further develop digital literacy skills. You can learn more with LSU TigerWare.
![Student with Faculty at computer monitor](/career/images/stock/students_withfaculty.jpg)
About the LSU Career Center
Our team is committed to ensuring every student has ample opportunities to gain experience, grow their network, and communicate their aptitude for a chosen career long before graduation. We believe LSU students are unparalleled in their potential to step into leadership, solve problems, and elevate the workforce for the benefit of all.