Faculty & Staff
You Can Ensure Access for All Tigers
Our Disability Services (DS) team is here to assist you in making academic environments accessible to all students. Explore the resources below and contact us if we can assist along the way.
Your Role in Disability Services at LSU
At LSU, we are committed to being an equal access university. Under federal law, we are mandated to provide reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities. As a faculty or staff member, you play a crucial role in fostering an accessible learning environment where all students can succeed.
Understand the Accommodation Process
To receive accommodations, students first submit their necessary documentation and register with LSU Disability Services (DS).
The DS team reviews the student's information and notifies the student of accommodations.
Students then notify faculty of their approved accommodations through the student Access Portal.
Maintain Confidentiality and Sensitivity
Faculty do NOT have the right to ask students if they have a disability. You may encourage students to discuss approved accommodations with you through your syllabi statement.
Faculty do NOT have the right to inquire about the nature of a student's disability.
If a student voluntarily discloses their disability to you, this information must be treated with confidentiality.
Ensure Equal Access
Faculty are required to add the DS Statement to all syllabi.
You are also encouraged to adjust course content or delivery methods to be accessible to all students by using the Universal Design approach.
Take time to read and understand your rights and responsibilities in supporting students with disabilities.
Familiarize yourself with the accommodations offered on campus.
Course Design for All Students
Simple Steps to Begin Implementing Universal Design
Universal Design (UD) is an approach aimed at designing course instruction, materials, and content to benefit all students, regardless of their learning styles or disabilities. The goal is to create a learning environment that is accessible, engaging, and effective for everyone.
Required Syllabi Statements
Including a syllabus statement about academic accommodations helps create an inclusive classroom environment and complies with federal laws such as The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Each course syllabus should contain a statement reflecting compliance as outlined below:
Statement Option 1
The university is committed to making reasonable efforts to ensure equal access for persons with disabilities. To this end, any student that requires academic accommodations must register with Disability Services and submit a request for accommodations through the DS Access Portal.
You may contact Disability Services at 225-578-5919 or visit their website at www.lsu.edu/disability.
Statement Option 2
This option encourages students to meet with you once they receive accommodations from DS.
The university is committed to making reasonable efforts to ensure equal access for persons with disabilities.
Students are encouraged to meet with me to discuss the provisions of approved accommodations as soon as possible after they have completed registration with DS and submitted a request for accommodations through the DS Access Portal.
You may contact Disability Services at 225-578-5919 or visit their website at www.lsu.edu/disability.
Faculty Technology Center (FTC)
The FTC provides resources and support for course design and development, course modality changes, academic technologies, and course accessibility.
![mascot mike the tiger on a laptop](/career/images/stock/mike_classroom.jpg)
A Guide to Rights & Responsibilities
This guide provides LSU students and supporters, faculty and staff, with key insights into disability laws in postsecondary education, including legal obligations, confidentiality, rights and responsibilities, and how to navigate grievance and appeal procedures.