Support from Title IX
Supportive Measures | Terminology
In representing a neutral office, the Title IX response team’s main role is to assist all parties who have been involved in a report or complaint of power-based violence or sexual misconduct.
In supporting individuals who have been harmed, or complainants, the goal is to provide support, options, and to empower engagement in what services feel most comfortable. Keeping in mind that you, as a complainant may be experiencing a lot of confusion, overwhelm, and fluctuations in functioning, our aim is for you to continue to have fair and equal educational access at LSU.
What does the initial meeting with Title IX look like?
![shield icon](/engagement/ocr-tix/tix/images/icons/shield-1.png)
Are there emergent needs that you have?
Review of safety planning and resources
![heart and hand icon](/engagement/ocr-tix/tix/images/icons/heart-hand-1.png)
Support and Empower
How are you sincerely doing?
Nonjudgmental emotional support
![clipboard icon](/engagement/ocr-tix/tix/images/icons/clipboard-1.png)
Supportive Measures Review
What do you need from the university right now?
Dimensions of safety, health, academics, finance
![org chart icon](/engagement/ocr-tix/tix/images/icons/referrals-1.png)
What other supports could help you in your healing journey?
Individually curated referrals for your unique experience
![scales icon](/engagement/ocr-tix/tix/images/icons/reporting-options-1.png)
Reporting Options
What does justice or resolution, if desired, look like to you?
Law Enforcement or University Process (our office provides resolution options)
Supportive Measures
Supportive measures are free, nonpunitive, individualized services designed to restore or preserve equal access to education and to protect student and employee safety. Supportive measures are offered as appropriate, as reasonably available, and without fee or charge to the complainant or the respondent. Supportive measures are kept private to the extent possible.
You do not have to file a formal complaint OCR&TIX or LSU Police in order to receive supportive measures.
Terminology (Complainant, Victim, Survivor)
There is no right or wrong way to identify as a person who has experienced power-based violence of some kind. Each person’s journey is as unique and complex as their identity. While a person may have a preferred term, both terms, victim and survivor, are appropriate based on context and personal experience.
How a person feels about their experience and the impact of their assault goes beyond the use of terminology…
A complainant is a person who asserts that another committed power-based violence against them. Typically, this person, depending on how one identifies, is a victim or survivor. The Office of Civil Rights & Title IX primarily uses the term complainant in accordance with Title IX regulations.
Someone may identify as a victim acutely after being subjected to some act of power-based violence. The term victim is also most commonly used in the criminal justice system as a legal status that provides certain rights under the law. However, the word may imply weakness or assign blame for some. Ultimately, the criminal justice system use this term to convey that a crime has been committed against a person.
The term “survivor” may feel more empowering and potentially convey that the person who has been harmed has started the healing process. Identifying as a survivor may mean that recovery is in progress and there is more control on behalf of the harmed person.