Technology and Equipment Services
A black & white printer and a color printer are located near the Library’s Circulation Desk. Print jobs can be sent from a Library computer or from a personal laptop. Payment is made by swiping your Tiger Card at the Print Station Computer.
Payments by LSU students, staff, and faculty must be made using a Tiger Card (PAWS ID Card) only. Tiger Cards must have funds on the account. To add funds to your Tiger Card, please visit the Tiger Card website.
Fees for Printing
- 7¢ per page/Black and White
- 30¢ per page/Color
A scanner is available free of charge near the patron computers in the main area of the Library. It is recommended that you bring a flash drive on which to save your scan(s), or pull up your web-accessible email in order to send the scan(s) to an email address.
Computer and WiFi Access
Library computers are available as well as wireless access to personal devices through the myLSU login.
Non-LSU visitors can use the computers by having a library staff member login for a guest. Visitors may also use their laptops or mobile devices to access the Internet by having a library staff member create a temporary guest account for them.
ScreenBeam, short-throw projectors, and projection glassboards are available in Library Conference Rooms 2 and 3. ScreenBeam allows a user to connect their laptop or cellphone to the projector/TV without the need of software, wires, or adapters. The projectors give short throw capability, which allows images to be projected from a short distance. The projection glassboards are a high-definition glass writing surface that can be used with the projectors. Markers may be checked out at the Library’s Circulation Desk and used in the Library only.
ScreenBeam and TV monitors are available in Library Conference Rooms 4 and 5.
DO NOT touch the ScreenBeam equipment! DO NOT use adapters in Library Conference Rooms 2, 3, 4, and 5.
All conference rooms have TV monitors and/or glassboards.
General Information on Electronics and Other Supplies
The LSU Vet Med Library funds the purchase of mobile computing devices available for check-out at the LSU Vet Med Library’s Circulation Desk. Any items not returned will be charged to your fee bill. You must be an LSU VET MED FACULTY, STAFF, OR STUDENT with a current LSU ID to be eligible for Electronics and Other Supplies. You can request in person to be put on a waiting list for a laptop. The Circulation Desk will contact you via email or text message if one becomes available. If you have trouble logging in to EDUROAM (LSU WiFi) please contact the ITS Help Desk at 225-578-9932. For any other problems, please return the laptop to the Circulation Desk. Laptops are reimaged after they are returned so that none of your personal information can be accessed by the next person who borrows it.
Item | Loan Period | Replacement Cost | Fines | Other Notes |
HDMI Adapters | Due by 4:15 p.m. | $30 replacement cost plus $15 processing fee | Vet Med Building use only | |
MAC Adapters | Due by 4:15 p.m. | $30 replacement cost plus $15 processing fee | Vet Med Building use only | |
Dry Erase Markers (4-5 colors) | Due by 4:15 p.m. | $20 replacement cost plus $15 processing fee | Vet Med Building use only | |
Headphones | Due by 4:15 p.m. | $15 replacement cost plus $15 processing fee | Vet Med Library use only | |
Multi Cable Phone Chargers | 2 hours | $15 replacement cost plus $15 processing fee | Vet Med Library use only | |
USB C Wall Chargers | 2 hours | $25 replacement cost plus $15 processing fee | Vet Med Library use only |
- Circulation is limited to Vet Med faculty, staff, & students with current check-out privileges.
- A current, validated LSU ID is required for check-out.
- Patrons who routinely return electronic items late or who have checked out items and never returned them may lose their electronic checkout privileges.
Circulation Notes
- Overdue fines are automatically charged to your staff or student record.
- Items will be declared lost after 24 hours past due time.
- Library circulation privileges are suspended once items are declared lost.
- Patrons who check out electronics are responsible for the FULL REPLACEMENT COST if the checked-out electronic item or any peripherals are lost or stolen. Patrons are also responsible for the FULL COST of repair parts and services if the electronic item or any peripherals are damaged or need cleaning. A $1.00 fine may be charged for removed or defaced labels.
- Damage or lost charges may be applied to your University Fee Bill.
- Borrowers will be notified about their fines according to standard library notification procedures.
- Technically, electronic devices may not be renewed; they must be brought back to the Vet Med Library’s Circulation Desk and discharged from the patron’s account. If enough items are available, the item may be checked back out to the patron.
- In order for a laptop to be checked back out to the same patron, the laptop must be returned on time and there must be other laptops available for other students to use.
- NO laptop can be renewed if other patrons are waiting.
User Responsibilities
- Library electronics should NOT be left unattended at any time.
- You are responsible for ALL materials checked out on your ID card.
- Immediately report any problems, loss, or damage of items to the Vet Med Library’s Circulation Desk (225) 578-9800.
- Electronics are to be returned ON TIME and INTACT (with all associated pieces, cords, bags, etc.) to the LSU Vet Med Library’s Circulation Desk.
- All laptops must be returned 15 minutes before the Vet Med Library closes.
Important Note: All bags are subject to search upon entering and leaving the library by LSU Security and/or Library or Computing Services personnel.
CVD/DVD Player
Available for 24 hours.
$30 replacement cost plus $15 processing fee
LSU Vet Med Building use only