Strategic Planning
Research & Economic Development Strategic Plan
The Office of Research and Economic Development (ORED) is a centralized administrative unit facilitating the scholarly and research enterprise of the faculty. It also facilitates in enhancing the undergraduate and graduate student learning experience. A number of Institutes, Centers and administrative units, most notably service related entities such as the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) and the Office of Innovation & Technology Commercialization (ITC) report directly to ORED. These units have their own strategic plans that interdigitates with the ORED strategic plan. This plan closely aligns with the LSU Strategic Plan 2025 goals of Discovery, Learning, Diversity and Engagement.
Download the ORED Strategic Plan (PDF)
LSU Strategic Plan
Under the direction of President William F. Tate IV, the university’s strategic planning process has officially begun. This effort will benefit from the current strategic plan and the many that contributed to that document and will develop a cohesive roadmap for the next several years towards a ‘Scholarship First Agenda.’
Board of Regents ![First Louisiana cover](/research/images/FirstLABrochure_final-1.jpg)
FIRST LOUISIANA – Fostering Innovation through Research in Science and Technology
in Louisiana
Based on unanimous recommendations of representatives from research campuses statewide,
FIRST Louisiana has been adopted by the Board of Regents, the coordinating and planning
authority for higher education. FIRST Louisiana provides the organizing framework
for the research component of the Regents Master Plan for Higher Education, which
will target research foci and investment for the coming decade. The plan is also an
integral part of the research and economic development component of the Louisiana
Gaining Resources and Autonomies for Diplomas (GRAD) Act, a law proposed by the Governor
and enacted by the legislature in 2010 to measure campus performance and success.
Fostering Innovation through Research in Science and Technology in Louisiana (FIRST Louisiana) is a statewide plan that will help chart directions for institutional planning and provide a foundation for a comprehensive statewide approach to science and technology research, development and innovation. This framework will guide Louisiana’s post-secondary education research community and industrial and public-sector partners to strategically increase research productivity and build capacity in areas of long-term importance to the State.