GPA Calculator

LSU Quality Points and Determining Deficit

Grade Point Average (GPA) is a numerical assessment of a student's academic progress. At LSU, GPA is calculated by dividing the total number of quality points earned by the number of hours attempted.

LSU's Plus/Minus Grades and Pass/No Credit Grades

Get the official facts on the plus/minus grading policy from The Office of the University Registrar, including the plus/minus scale, definitions for letter grades, and frequently asked questions.

Do not enter any courses for which a letter grade is not assigned. For example: Credit/No Credit, Pass/No Credit, Successful/Unsuccessful.

Using the GPA Calculator

Refer to your College Record for accurate academic information. For help finding your College Record, see the GROK Article on College Record. See our mock College Record example for assistance in filling out your GPA calculator.

  • Enter in your Prior Number of Hours (highlighted in blue on our College Record example) and your Prior Quality Points (highlighted in green). First-semester freshmen do not need to fill out Prior Number of Hours or Prior Quality Points.
  • Enter your course name (optional), hours, and course grade for the desired semester (highlighted in yellow).
  • Select “Calculate GPA” to generate Quality Points and GPA information.

*TOPS GPA Disclaimer

TOPS GPA calculation is provided as a courtesy and does not guarantee TOPS or any other qualification, only the Louisiana Office of Student Financial Assistance (LOSFA) may determine the TOPS award. Visit LOSFA for more information. TOPS and other educational institutions may use 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 only to calculate GPA.

Want to earn better grades?

Check out the free services offered by the Center for Academic Success.